Best-in-class electric heating cable solutions for safety and security of industrial companies’ equipment and technological processes

Protection of pipelines, tanks & vessels, process equipment against climatic risks, in explosive and aggressive environments.


Industrial Pipelines Heat Tracing

Industrial Pipelines Heat Tracing

SST GS India Pvt. Ltd. provides heat tracing solutions for industrial pipelines of any length.

Industrial pipelines heat tracing helps to protect pipes from freezing, prevents condensation, facilitates viscosity control and temperature maintenance.

SST Group is one of the few global producers of systems based on skin-effect, the only possible heat tracing solution for pipelines up to 60 km long. Thanks to our innovative and integrated approach as well as project implementation control at all phases, our customers can always expect high quality and efficiency of the installed systems.
Unique electric heating cable technology for extra-long pipelines up 120 km from a single power source.

Learn more about SST GmbH solutions for pipelines:

SST Group has developed solutions based on electric heating cables to significantly improve the operational safety of machinery and equipment in harsh climatic conditions and provide protection against icing of aircraft infrastructure and ships.

  • Prevention of icing of ship equipment at temperatures up to −60 °C
  • Reliable operation of components and assemblies of aircrafts at low temperatures
  • Uninterrupted operation of special equipment and fire systems
  • Safe movement of personnel on the evacuation routes of the vessel
  • Efficient and autonomous ice removal from helipads for safe landing and take-off of helicopters
  • Heaters can be manufactured in different sizes and power outputs
  • Our R&D-center designs custom-made solutions for your specific needs

SST Group develops various heating systems depending on the required task.

In shipbuilding, electric heating panels are used to prevent ice formation on helipads, steps, ramps and escape routes. The main objective of electric heating systems for helipads, decks and open areas is to maintain a positive temperature on surfaces in the region of +3 or +5 °C.

Systems based on series-resistance and self-regulating heating cables ensure the safety of airport visitors: they can be installed on the roofs of buildings, on ramps and pedestrian zones. Electric heating is also used to protect pipelines from freezing.

We also have solutions for heating runways and have developed heaters for Sukhoi Superjet (slat drive heater, luggage lock heater).


We provide solutions for heating industrial tanks & vessels. Their typical applications are drain vessels, water and fuel storage tanks of different geometric shapes, sizes, types and locations.

  • Ensuring smooth & continuous technological processes
  • Protection of tanks & vessels against freezing at low ambient temperatures
  • Maintenance of technological temperatures of liquids in tanks and vessels
  • Prevention of emergencies
  • Automatically adjust heat output based on surface temperature — energy efficiency
  • Can be used in explosion hazardous areas
Our Projects

Taman Crude Oil Loading Terminal

Taman Crude Oil Loading Terminal

Shchekinoazot Chemical Plant

15 000 m long heating system based on skin-effect

Shchekinoazot Chemical Plant
Operating principle
  1. Section based on electric heating cables
  2. Power cable
  3. Junction box
  4. Power cable from the control cabinet

Heating of tanks & vessels is necessary to compensate heat losses occurring through its walls, supports, lid and base. The design capacity of tank heating system should be sufficient to compensate heat loss and maintain set temperature of the stored fluid. In 90 % of cases, a self-regulating cable is used, since it is resistant to overlaps and local overheating. We provide a full range of self-regulating cables and all the necessary components for its installation in hazardous and non-hazardous zones at oil & gas, chemical & petrochemical, pharmaceutical and other sites.

In chemically aggressive and corrosive environments with operating temperatures up to +800 ℃ metal outer jacket fiberglass-insulated cable MOIC-F is used.

Depending on the project, heating sections could be installed only in the lower part of the tank. In this case, the entire surface of the tank must be covered with thermal insulation. Each design is made individually.

For warming-up products stored in tanks, energy is required not only to compensate the heat loss, but also to heat the product itself. Therefore, it may be advisable to install industrial electric heaters inside the tank.


Our de-icing & snow-melting systems based on series-resistance and self-regulating heating cables protect buildings and outdoor areas from ice and snow buildup. SST Group infrastructure de-icing systems are an energy-efficient solution to create safe urban space, extend service life of roofs and gutters and reduce roof and outdoor areas maintenance costs.

  • Extended service life of infrastructure
  • Reduced cost of repairs and maintenance
  • Eliminated risk of injuries and fatal accidents due to slipping on ice / icicles falling
  • Protection against property damage
  • The system operates in an automatic mode
  • The heating cable has a service life (depending on the cable type) of at least 20 years
Operating principle
  • Heating cable
  • Temperature sensor
  • Working range control
  • Electronic temperature controller
  • Precipitation sensor — system activation
  • Automatic heating on and off

Our electric heating system for infrastructure de-icing includes heating cable, control system, power distribution system (power supply), accessories and fasteners.

We offer a wide range of heating cables for different tasks. Series-resistance heating cable has constant resistance over the entire length. Self-regulating cable is the most popular solution for heating of roofs and gutters. A unique feature of the self-regulating cable is its ability to automatically adjust the thermal output depending on weather conditions. These cables are easily cut into sections of any length on site, which makes them convenient to use.

Control system includes specially designed regulators, as well as temperature, precipitation and water sensors. The control system allows to implement several algorithms for operating the electric heating system and takes into account the purpose of the system, weather conditions, operating conditions and specific customer requirements.

Energy distribution system supplies power to the heating sections and includes power cables, junction boxes, metal or plastic pipes and boxes for laying electric cables and signal wires. We use best-in-class materials that meet international standards.

Fastening system includes fasteners with various materials and shapes. They securely fix the cable, don’t break and don’t change their properties from temperature extremes.

All elements of the heating systems are mounted in an invisible way and don’t spoil the design of the construction.

Technical Data
Maximum continuous operating temperature (trace heater energized) +80 °С
Maximum continuous exposure temperature (trace heater de-energized) +100 °С
Ambient temperature range −60 … +55 °С
Minimum installation temperature −30 °С
Minimum bending radius 25 mm
We recommend:

Process equipment such as level gauge, safety valves, air cocks, filters, flanges, impulse lines need to be heated to ensure their normal year-round operation. Due to complexity of the form, the most common solution for such objects is a system based on self-regulating heating cables. However, depending on the project series-resistant cables could be applied. For zones with high temperatures, we recommend metal-jacket cables of MOIC series.

  • Ensures uninterrupted operation of process equipment in a wide temperature range — up to 800 °C
  • Automatically adjusts heat output based on surface temperature
  • Can be used in explosion hazardous areas
  • Easy to install
  • Self-regulating cables can be cut to required length on site
  • No complicated design calculations required
Operating principle
  1. Safety valve
  2. Fastening tape
  3. Heating section based on self-regulating heating cable

SST GmbH provides the full range of self-regulating heating cables as well as ready-made design solutions for typical process equipment elements to simplify the installation.

The power of the heating section is set based on the calculation of heat loss, which is determined in the same way as the heat loss in pipelines. In some cases, modeling of thermal fields may be required, especially in cases where the level gauge window does not have thermal insulation.

Our self-regulating heating cables are used for freeze protection of process equipment in non-hazardous and ex-hazardous areas. The power output adjusts automatically in response to the ambient temperature.

Due to its self-regulating characteristics it will not overheat even when the cable is overlapped. This guarantees maximum safety and reliability. Installation of self-regulating heating cable is quick and simple and requires no special skills or tools.


In all climatic zones, electric heating of pipelines and reservoirs is one of the key factors for safe and reliable operation of oil and gas sites. They help to prevent the formation of paraffins and asphaltenes, that inhibit the extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons.

GammaSwiss provides a wide range of heating solutions for oil and gas industry, including Ex-equipment and cables.

  • Uninterrupted production, transportation and processing of hydrocarbons
  • Prevention of the formation of paraffin, ice and gas hydrate plugs
  • Maintaining the storage temperature of hydrocarbons in reservoirs
  • Protection against freezing of process equipment at low temperatures
  • Safety of electrical equipment in explosive environments
  • Providing comfortable and safe working conditions for staff
Our Projects

Taman Crude Oil Loading Terminal

Taman Crude Oil Loading Terminal

When the extracted product moves from the subsurface to the surface, heat losses occur in the soil surrounding the well, resulting in paraffins’ or gas hydrates’ formation that can severely inhibit the production process. It is possible to prevent this by using a system based on heating cables.

The main parameter for determining the components of an oil well heating system is the heating power. This value is calculated individually for each well, since it is directly dependent on the depth of the formation, the well flow rate, humidity and thermal conductivity of the soil, and other characteristics of the flow of fluid through the pump and compressor pipe. Also, when designing an electric heating system, you should take into account the required depth of the start of heating. The design takes into account the heating mode, in which the heating cable is supplied from the depth at which the liquid temperature falls below the required value.

StreamTracer™ system based on a skin-heater allows you to approach this issue individually, take into account all parameters, reduce heat loss and energy consumption.

SST Group produces various systems for heating wells and pipelines based on series-resistance and self-regulating heating cables.

For any heat tracing systems an accompanying electrical network is required, through which voltage is supplied to the heating sections. With a relatively short pipeline length (up to about 150 meters), the size of the accompanying network is minimal. Pipelines with a length of 200-500 m can also be heated with series-resistance and self-regulating cables, but in this case the cost of the accompanying network becomes comparable to the cost of heating cables. For pipelines with a length of 500-3000 m the optimal solution is to use special three-core resistive heating cables of LLS series. This cable simultaneously serves as a heating element and a supply line.

For systems with a length of more than 3 km, a skin-system or induction-resistive heating system (IRHS) is used for heating, maintaining the temperature and protecting pipelines from freezing. For pipelines up to 150 km, VeLL system is designed based on three-phase resistive cable.

SST Group has experience in designing, manufacturing and installing all types of systems described above, including the heating system for subsea pipelines. ATEX and IECEx certificates prove the safety of our solutions in explosive areas at oil and gas sites.

For many years SST group has successfully cooperated with major Russian and international corporations, including Total, Dragon Oil, Gazprom, Rosneft, LUKOIL, Transneft, and others.

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